
Shane and me, next by a Nicky (Mahavatar Babaji human-celestial)

                                   Brian - Keith (side)

                              /              \\           Prime Minister (Ireland)

Shane - me --- Nicky - Ronan   \\  / 

   |                               \             /   \\

Kian                           the girl                  Far away Peyton

How does this W Two worlds, everyone dead at the opening of that household walking in home?  He succeed to see in this world or outside he can take down Shane Filan, next is me. Because without the husband I for sure be dead, one of those girl and the guy saying.

That is why he goes to jail. 

               Zawanna, Kail, 亞斯, Ramses.

               Anan, Keanu

  My mother


                          Sariputra (Pang)

He thinks everyone understands him. If he gets away to kill Shane, he can for sure get away killing me, he knows that. That is how much IQ he has. That is why he is in the jail. That is gasibo in the Heaven standard, the receptionist place. 

I think it is him.

Or else you want to add a few people "related" to = what is the receptionist human = jail place in the Heaven standard but its not the Yogananda place in Flower Thousand Bone (2015)

That is the description, the full sentence: 

"related" to = what is the receptionists human = jail place in the Heaven standard but its not the Yogananda place in Flower Thousand Bone (2015)

He is Scrooge McDuck, or that is how they training him into. 

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