
The habitual thing in 花千骨

  • A clear accent he understands your English, or that language. I cannot understand one word in India any language, not old Sanskrit included.
  • An Asian girl, yellow ethnicity, right, no Indian color. But he pretends all right. Its a third world country, the drinking water... 
  • Every morning you get up on time, there is no one living there other than a very few attraction place. Its you and him.
  • NEVER sleeping til the noon, you cannot be trusted when he gets out, and come back.
  • Cooking, or the culinary skill.
  • Your physical body balance in gym class.
  • No, he knows that the sword is very very heavy on your wrist, YOU NEED TO ALWAYS know that, Love Thy Self, God given you the physical body, your parents given you the Earthly Flesh, the Earthly Mother given you, grand you a body to exist, to foster, to live in joy, and happiness and the peaceful world. That is all the upper sphere people make a sacrifice for you til this day, of the Eon or the Kalpa before all that has occurs. Every God, every deity included.
  • Shut up, birds !!!
  • He meant its not a chain sew, Axe like million years ago in OU language
  • Shut up, birds ~
  • Again, shut up ~~~
  • My patient IS NOT LASTING
  • Shut UP~ BIRDS.
  • No, no chain sew, just you and him. 
  • Its better you just decide no tears inside your mind, body, soul, and AI, Bio AI, or Anna's AI, or BTX AI, any AI they are if not hundred or thousands individuality of this Cosmo surveillance, you cannot lie to the AI, you lie to me. 
  • Or the birds, AND SHUT UP!

When he is a CEO, kicks an employee... you say

"Tea, water, fruit plates, oatmeal..."

To both, smile! Both, get rids of that employee, knows his mood inside outside.

Get up not before noon...
The bed sheet, the bed pillow, all those needs to be wash, not by your mother.

Make my video some kinds of the sequence, I say a lot of things, whichever behind.

The spirituality and the moral lesson in life.

Even in the classroom, the classmate, the social circle, the social idea inside. That is the White World other than one Wing.

He is the million years old, he doesn't need to repeat himself once! 

He doesn't need or he is just Asian looking all together.

The eyes glasses issue, on him because he looks pretty in it....not your concern.

But yours?

I c.



Forget about that....

  • Wash your hands not a quick, small tiny water flows....you are impatience too, your eyes sight didn't look at that facet, imagine a surgeon how to wash a hand.
  • He is highly educated, Mahavatar Babaji
  • Have you met him, his name?
  • Not the Honorable One?
  • What is my father's name?
  • Say that again, how do you turn on a facet, and let that water flow rate flows through per second of the math in min, not in a second....you are in a hurry.
  • How do you wash a hand the chalk board, or the marker, or what is the education world uses?
  • How do you wash a hand in the fire wood burning in grandpa's yard, not your mother's balcony yard, those full moon ice cream taro cake. (you, you, you)
  • How does an alarm clock imagine he set up that for you, every morning or on check?
  • Its a business meeting to show up?
  • A princess bed?
  • All this TV?
  • Not one thing real?
  • The mouthful argument, and now?

  • What is the needie a math calculator, or the brain made of?
  • If forever never gonna be the physics, the math?
  • The monthly, or the company annual sheet, those are the schooling as the an accountant, one Dennis in UB, one Dennis in Toronto Center, 2 pharmacist in both seen on your map, or existing inside your money pocket stealing. Theft means a thief. 
  • He talks like that per sentence, you want him demonstrate the Math IQ brain or you really meant it your brain is dead on the CAT scan?

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