
Its to like about Shane, hate him, playing him; or Simon never changes, the loyalty, that news would be Walsh? Lewis Walsh, the organic chemistry textbook. Maybe he has one too.

The textbook.

Now the SA becoming too huge to control, you grow on their faces, all the leadership, and if not the leadership, meaning like Nicky in America, whom?

When you keep hearing the new things coming in.

  • The words like SA
  • Then the UB SA, then the UB SA President, not just Jonathon.

You thought you own it all, those kinds in 5-10 years, you have no right to talk to any of them, that reality will come to you. Any of you. You only have the things in front of you. That lawsuit won't be there until 20-40 years I believe, not next year. You plan to hurt on everyone on purpose, everyone has to work very hard to get to the place together and you already hurting people behind everywhere.

It will not happen

Not next year. Everyone thinking you say you gamble for one year. I told the whole Cosmo, you believing in it, that is why you keep file-ing. You know these are the evidence no matter what. Its 100% you know you win, you might even put all the money to hire the most expensive lawyer, such as that Fanny's resume for 500 US dollar at that age  15 years ago.

You believe in it

I told your parents

  • No, they believe you set one year aside, no, that is not what I say. I keep repeating the same.
  • You believe 1000% you win.
  • Your IQ is very low, so that is why you gamble. You are not the natural high IQ those goes to the medical school. Never your kind of IQ. 
  • You spent all the money in for one shot. You need to be 39.
  • No, not the Hunger Game, no. You know that.
  • It was when I was 39 years old....those lawsuit that time.....to join the conversation as those doing nothing don't care the life nor the games, or the big event, to squander your personality and character like me. You wish no longer to see your parents' eye and face in Chinese saying.
  • You love your own great attitude feeling so fuzzy.
  • That drive you so so so so so much.
  • Never once again your parents. Your IQ is very low, I keep saying that. 

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