
Next page ....

Sorry, blog.

Adria, what is the theft means right on 194 countries if not all over the universe to steal an Apple?

Its whom claim of what, that has the gun means in it?  Got detained, got asked, and Billy got called, or this CNN 4 parents on my monitor, represent 4 of you kids behind they talking to each other. You don't want to ask Karen? 

Its the fight between the argument, or best friend ever to make the enemy right or left, because that is the choice of it. You have the whole state different, how far that will travels in years, everything next by nothing got improved, just not extraordinary enough. 

I am sure in end of all this, your parents which one of them got fed up and leave.

Don't you agree?

Adria, this is the 3rd post, eternal.....you think your keyword tags are reflection or reflective?

You be watchful the referee, so well....the volleyball.  One of us don't present, or not remembering...when the court too big, the theft too intended...an Apple.

Adria, what is the between the murder and the theft difference side by side, Melinda get up, answering the tonight that night incident?

Remembered ...

No, I saw Karen's photo, I delete her, I remember that. I told her to work on her Lords issues whatever that is. Something more private just get out of my sight. This is the entertainment shows just like that so useful Simon ever meant to all of you, at all. You wonder its me believing in it the very first time seeing him 2 weeks, he remembers that news, of his own schedule at all. 

This heart going back and forth, the heart cut, the heart pulling, the heart, the heart, the friendship, the far away sympathetic, between you two, Karen and Adria, I never saying that much. Its the money too great, at least not at the right front, that personal. So now it has to go on another. ....

What would be the theft not loud enough every single on the blogger be seen, and heard and count by? Right side, my peripheral.

Down below, Billy, tag? 

I am sure he used the Blogger when you told him, Anna did what on the Facebook, actually every guys make themselves so well knowing all that, in every year those were 20 years ago, believing that, or you want me to believe you?

Right, Billy?

Feel it.....its at the heart center, the heart charekra, you bet, I really care, or I meant it...its the End.

At all.

Adria, Friday....10 napkin, your parents pick it up for, say it louder, ....EEEEEELLLLL.....when people capable to steal

One of you will always be prison including that SA.

Every single statement, its one by one got jailed.

One by one, per time. Things happened...ooops. You don't stare enough in front of it.


When I say crying to be louder, the pain will be deeper and spread horrible among that cursed you all believing it, that running to the police station will be your last resouir....anyway.



My birds say .... (I have some video after your video ends, that is the only thing I can tell you that). 12 video in the end. I think he says you like the human better, he lives in that....tent structure. He is probably nervous doing all that. "Are you nervous, you can only create all that? they keep the dogs, not they keep the otter. But correct I keep seeing you a lot of the video, and so will be other people too. There is a reason, correct. Your kinds being mentioned. Your English word is not a common word, and they missing a t too, you actually bite, one of you shows me. Right inside my right arm going it down. You know what that means? Don't look at her, answer her clearly. "

你們不覺得人是很多心情,才會去唱歌地方,我說亞洲人的 KTV,以前小孩時間要上課

不是去演唱會,壞的青少年,我其實一次都沒有去過演唱會,我人生,國外友人帶我去一次 !  沒有見過演唱會。『你們心情不好才去唱歌嗎 ? 』『喔! 問一下』  台灣要考高中的、大學也是 !  

『那你們覺得我唱歌心情如何? 』『喔! 』


『商鞅在那種霓虹燈的世界~但是特斯拉當初撕掉彗星的合約是他跟他太太叫做 George Westinghouse,之後愛迪生叫做 GE 的公司在死後 40 年可能,再也沒有這件事情,但是當初拿下特斯拉的合約,然後撕掉是那個時期他們之間不知道做什麼。』

『我講話你們都不想聽是吧 ? 就跟這清海無上師一樣』

『當初愛迪生跟這個叫做喬治,西屋是打對手,西屋是雇用特斯拉的之後 1893 那個時間我算給北一跟建中』


『彗星會知道是 1908 的那張紙,我上次給你們了! 叫做第一行! 』

『1900 開始建造但是當初只有既做 Morgan 你們聽說,因為銀行現在只有人知道叫做 JP Morgan 』

『這跟當年的洛克菲勒還是羅斯柴爾德有什麼關係? 洛克菲勒家族是當初石油的開始最後在特斯拉之後哪個年代 1920 分開至少七個公司,而這個石活到 97 歲,是舍利弗他媽的,因為它們兩個都只吃一餐,她現在是違憲狀態,Ruth Child 螺斯柴爾德其實是設利弗,在電影上面的關係。』


『但是其實當初建設美國一開場的 Federal Reserve 陰謀論裡面的一開始的那個總統是關於金子跟銀行的兌換其實是這些家族,鐵達尼號之後,不是死了一群人,這群人沒有死,這至少幾個聽說+特斯拉沒死+ JP Morgan 沒死』

『說電影幹嘛的意思 ...』


你們不覺得人生應該是要去賺錢嗎 ? 我昨天說正常人看完電視就是一種放鬆睡覺,我討論無殼族跟日本膠囊族才在別的網頁,看過? 這些事情我講了很久以前,寫中文很累其實 ! 而且我現在要用到 192 國家』

『香港應該是發音不同,同字? 』


『這些資料叫做 classify, the classify material』

『國外叫做講很久的魔法灰姑娘,那些人轉學以後叫做 UB,之前叫做 UK,叫做肯德基大學,我轉州內,分手以後! 其實這很多東西都是男孩子開始,我其實不找人的~而且他們欠錢 3000美金, 20年過去! 』

『所以 UB 跟台灣一些小孩要繼續念書,因為在電視上面,被罰嗎 ? 不是 ! 以後會傷更重,至少其中一點,還有這件事情他們每一條法律行徑走錯,我先告訴你們,所謂立志跟法律途徑打起來,大概台灣是民主大陸就沒有法路程序關於某種  claim 很惡劣 ~ 算是一種犯罪科那邊跟學歷問題。學歷低就會偷竊。他們在那個美國科目是因為當初是資優班的關係在 UB 那邊! 』

『其他偷竊之人他們自由的關係。在法律途徑裡面那些人真的相信在一年就是他們美夢成真,非常瘋狂,家長會以為可能就等個一年,我說錯,其實是真的相信,花了所有錢去請很貴很貴的律師,錯! 』

『相信我尊上說的! 這是一種資本主義,再也沒有那種叫做十次起義死了多少人的血 ~不管當年是真是假,有人幫忙有人沒忙得那種叫做清朝十個皇帝我都背的出來,順治爺是第二個清朝皇帝是八歲出家,慈禧是小妾,鑲藍旗的八旗之一~那已經是清朝末期等等等~光緒 26 八國聯軍』

『你們只是在猜我看一遍台灣的歷史課本,我從哪邊背給妳們聽得意思 ~ ~』

🏖️🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️📦💖💝 🏖️🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️📦💖💝 🏖️🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️📦💖💝 🏖️🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️📦💖💝

盜賊!!西方衣服,染布 ,copy 左右翅膀染布法,Victoria Secrets





Babaji: Go

I am not sure this is the same Babaji, that one looks horrible, I am telling you. He belongs to the jail anywhere. 

I do physics …🥳💥☄️⛱️🏖️🛎️📦💖💝

Page top

Sometimes divide some attention like the blue book written ? The conversation with Yogananda ?

Why every guy so important?


The top navigation - the main story vs the side story.

Most people know the Sailor moon story in Asia.


(上面那個 URL "主線故事"; 關於主線故事跟副線故事)

Comment on the Soap Opera 肥皂劇



My comment on the soap opera ! 肥皂劇 


You never talk to your primary teacher in the school?

If someone asking you?



很多國際學生亞洲的,台灣、中國、香港有一種軟體 torrent site 去下載或是看那種很多免費的電視,這個類似叫做肥皂劇吧 ?!  很多人在家裡吃東西對著電腦,然侯戴眼鏡,做紙張的工作、公司像說中國電視『衫衫來了』,就是假設 ...簡短講,意思說我 2018 做了什麼,其中一個叫做數學類似巴巴基,數學跟物理,那如果這個警察說什麼,沒有想過我這種人或是巴巴基人生叫做 million 年,的年紀,你知道是什麼真實狀態跟警察講話? 對我知道他們是說 homicide, 謀殺,好~等一下,我是說真實的情況,不管在講什麼!

『這其實很多事情,沒有一件事情是我做的呀 ! 』

On Earth, in the humanity of some area, their spirits are 1) dull 2) boring 3) no talent 4) cannot withstand the pressure.

On Earth again, in this sleek of the Capitalim congregate area, you will find those higher Corperation format, living by a smile means, they cultivate their spirits for the positive look out, in those environment all around, all the time.

I know or I don't know?

What is the rural country poor girls communism bad blood mentality, "The Rich Dad or the Poor Dad". That is a movie actually, not love actually. It was school in Taiwan we have that class looking at that, not looking like that.

I think I had only one comet area, or the field my one whole life, to be honest....to tell you some Truth in the real life scene, I didn't make it sound like, because of too many TV.

Meaning, "at the mean time", I got nothing else to do, but the high school my Taiwan those class I never deliver a cheat sheet, every China or Japan these WWII interface line all the way to Melinda, they doing nothing but download those sheet copy.

Per inductive or deductive math step like my middle school. There is a way how to sequence out that prove, it was our physics in Asia. 

Like I say one time.

If were someone else....in one year = 52 weeks.

That is 52 weekly Friday night, to generate one weekend = 3 days, I got another 4 days without a thing to do. Meaning NASA just get only 52 sheets per year seeing what that was.

Because that position inside the TV, got nothing else to do.

Funny things, I meant my mother wish me have nothing else to do, this is entire chaos, she goes happy, I stay home watching the moon or the tide at the balcony and the sky and the cloud. She watching the kids or that Pang. Mulan 2, a useless king idea.

He is a boy, never gonna be a man.

Cannot, its ....Bill Gates their invite, or sorry, NASA, on my LinkedIn, I make everyone to see.

Dean and Lee.

Not this time, no.

I used to know this kind of the pot. Both Asia and America gettiing this Amazon, or their own online e-commence to shop!!


No, I didn't tell Westlife about the comet. Too many things to say, other than the comet. Right...like the photo of the water, the photo of the shoe I was impatience to jump at my bed, those the shoe at the ghost area, of that ground...sorry, I mean the real life. It was a dim light.


That was a name. "What is your name?" "Knock knock." "That is a beautiful name."


Nicky is on the exercise channel he says that time, he told me. But the BTX finish we talking anymore, so that time on, I talked to Shane only. No more Nicky. No. I got injuried in the painting. 

Right, anyway I switch to Shane. Just in case. Before Sep. JC birthday was in August 8th. oh I remember that was....sequence dowm from the notebook, oh no....so there was a 99 passing by from 110 (that is Taiwan police number).

I never say hi. No. They used to...well both might heard something. Justin and JC. At that 5 Lords Reviews almost at the same time. I don't care, I just went to the twitter. Justin.

No, no time. 

No, no more.

Donno. No.

Listen, the real life.

If you put a guy looks normal to you, but in the real Corperation you seeing him as a stranger reprimand the employee, you pretend him to be your family. Its all the illusion false. You hate that person be away from your parents forever, be away from Earth forever. You need to stay here to make the money to make it the money to buy the pot, to buy the chicken U-bert in, to build a list of some friends. To communicate because the home owner manual just happened to be at home. My parents need me, not that immigration office.

Things have to be waited, its not to yell at each other. 

Talking the real sense, 

Talking the real bill sense,

Talking the real idea why it is just accept that I feel fine, my 4 limbs too.

You using the last century people's merits, so be grateful as the girl or the women. Be thankful for everything that God given to you.

Try again the home owner manual?

Your aging parents, you must realize your parents are aging. In America, you have to drive them to the hospital and wait there with them. At the counter, they go by themselves to sign in, and you sit there waiting next by them. My roommate in California, we were talking about the Game of Thrones, and one night she needs to be in the emergency room.

Your know their health insurance cards or the American health insurance package? 

Taiwan I know that, my mother know that, we cannot stop beating up each other. The hospital is not too far away. We at least sit down side by side, talking in the entire time length. I wait for her or she waits for me at the bathroom.

1. "How is your phone? You get a new brand?"

2. "What's going on inside you and that person?"

3. "Want to talk about it?"

4. "You are, or you planning to, or you bragging it about ?"

5. "It all sounds the same to me."

6. "You got the plan later after this doctors or the hospital time?"

7. "Am I in your way?"

8. "You want to tell me what that is, and you go?"

9. "Is that a lie?"

10. "How often you decide to do this, I come by here next time by myself."

China Expo 2010 - the theme song

That is Tina's ex bf first, and then the basketball whom here Taiwan

Or SMCH's that 子歇

Micky is the long hair indoor.

My mother is outdoor flowery lady.


I sing: 中國上海世博會 (2010),現在是 2023 將要 2024


A tray

You wash your hands before you touching that tray. Its a surface, what you stare on it.

Literally supposedly inside your mind?

That tray.

He scoops an Ice cream before. 

Wing, you go on the same train 10 times, its in 100 years your longevity time.

10 different girls or the guys? You planning? Do you ask the court they did that to you, or you willingness is voluntary?

You want to snap your finger, straight your arm?

He does tilt his eye glasses with those attitude, just not Wallace those looking.... "What is on Kian's butt says and Shane's name?" "What does Dr. Bing Shen looks like, City of Hope been to?"

"No, what is Kian's butt and these 10 world business which one you think exists, what kinds?"

The habitual thing in 花千骨

  • A clear accent he understands your English, or that language. I cannot understand one word in India any language, not old Sanskrit included.
  • An Asian girl, yellow ethnicity, right, no Indian color. But he pretends all right. Its a third world country, the drinking water... 
  • Every morning you get up on time, there is no one living there other than a very few attraction place. Its you and him.
  • NEVER sleeping til the noon, you cannot be trusted when he gets out, and come back.
  • Cooking, or the culinary skill.
  • Your physical body balance in gym class.
  • No, he knows that the sword is very very heavy on your wrist, YOU NEED TO ALWAYS know that, Love Thy Self, God given you the physical body, your parents given you the Earthly Flesh, the Earthly Mother given you, grand you a body to exist, to foster, to live in joy, and happiness and the peaceful world. That is all the upper sphere people make a sacrifice for you til this day, of the Eon or the Kalpa before all that has occurs. Every God, every deity included.
  • Shut up, birds !!!
  • He meant its not a chain sew, Axe like million years ago in OU language
  • Shut up, birds ~
  • Again, shut up ~~~
  • My patient IS NOT LASTING
  • Shut UP~ BIRDS.
  • No, no chain sew, just you and him. 
  • Its better you just decide no tears inside your mind, body, soul, and AI, Bio AI, or Anna's AI, or BTX AI, any AI they are if not hundred or thousands individuality of this Cosmo surveillance, you cannot lie to the AI, you lie to me. 
  • Or the birds, AND SHUT UP!

When he is a CEO, kicks an employee... you say

"Tea, water, fruit plates, oatmeal..."

To both, smile! Both, get rids of that employee, knows his mood inside outside.

Get up not before noon...
The bed sheet, the bed pillow, all those needs to be wash, not by your mother.

Make my video some kinds of the sequence, I say a lot of things, whichever behind.

The spirituality and the moral lesson in life.

Even in the classroom, the classmate, the social circle, the social idea inside. That is the White World other than one Wing.

He is the million years old, he doesn't need to repeat himself once! 

He doesn't need or he is just Asian looking all together.

The eyes glasses issue, on him because he looks pretty in it....not your concern.

But yours?

I c.



Forget about that....

  • Wash your hands not a quick, small tiny water flows....you are impatience too, your eyes sight didn't look at that facet, imagine a surgeon how to wash a hand.
  • He is highly educated, Mahavatar Babaji
  • Have you met him, his name?
  • Not the Honorable One?
  • What is my father's name?
  • Say that again, how do you turn on a facet, and let that water flow rate flows through per second of the math in min, not in a second....you are in a hurry.
  • How do you wash a hand the chalk board, or the marker, or what is the education world uses?
  • How do you wash a hand in the fire wood burning in grandpa's yard, not your mother's balcony yard, those full moon ice cream taro cake. (you, you, you)
  • How does an alarm clock imagine he set up that for you, every morning or on check?
  • Its a business meeting to show up?
  • A princess bed?
  • All this TV?
  • Not one thing real?
  • The mouthful argument, and now?

  • What is the needie a math calculator, or the brain made of?
  • If forever never gonna be the physics, the math?
  • The monthly, or the company annual sheet, those are the schooling as the an accountant, one Dennis in UB, one Dennis in Toronto Center, 2 pharmacist in both seen on your map, or existing inside your money pocket stealing. Theft means a thief. 
  • He talks like that per sentence, you want him demonstrate the Math IQ brain or you really meant it your brain is dead on the CAT scan?

You gonna listen what I tell you, or you gonna make a conclusion bad affecting him reputation wise? He is pretending to be Mark 3 3 10, he is that older those...upper.

Its Kail and Yuri bad concubines' name. But on Earth, every guy knows why anyway. The other half population its the half eternity already. 

Its probably every concubines' story + Flower Thousand Bones.

Its she kneel him for the spiritual quest those story in Heaven, or he finds an Earthly place, to settle your karma or he gonna says he borrow the karma or any other Upper sphere of the spiritual teaching similar to SMCH saying but higher world polish that severity of your conduct, your manner, your speech, your literacy, your glue to the Master power, or trust in Master power, trust the karmic wheel, or knowing the Dharma teaching must, the spirituality he discipline a disciple. He does all that.

If you let him do that, he is not looking too heavily at Shane this....I have no idea its the future that is the stock gene he will get to see.....?! That music world, or what not stuffs. The business or the money all that garbage.

He is spirituality evolve, he knows what that story to, and he has the disciple in the past probably, he done that how many Wheel must be Age or Eon pass.

One disciple female, but all right, I don't know where is the husband Prince and Princess story. Its the beginning of the knocking you awaken sense, it will never be, but a very Cosmos in 10 direction congratulation you by, until you get to his settlement of another Earthly existence there, you and him.

A maid, a concubines'.  I think its a maid. You act forward 力行

The Chinese words of all that discipline for hardship and the mental structure being withstand, knowing Thy Self.

He is "money dirty". 10 Direction World has to bribe him, this one girl.

No, not me this kind. 

He needs a real disciple. Its a real spirituality Master to a disciple

No, not at those glittering gold place. That is him real Throne World the golden all guards, general, I didn't see angels, but similar to little mermaid, you called them in Chinese as 天兵天將

The Heavenly gold solider, or the gold general, all dressing gold those kinds. The golden guards. Everything is sacred, and gold, and shining and glittering those. You cannot breath in it, so he lives in his jail and the receptionalist place. Probably being noisy his own home owner manual I am telling you. When you ...

Imagine you keep the property and learning it. 

The chain sew never stop, starting it again.

I think the birds did something to make me very very sensitive and hurting, half dead or half alive, I am telling you, every time I wake up, you snap my psychi sense. Its very painful with her included !!!

  • No, he knows you are not smart enough
  • Every disciple will always kneel him.
  • He is the capital millions pass.....or longer Eon or Kalpa
  • Never that kinds of the kneeling deep down.
  • Be smart
  • Be clever
  • Math and the physics are his only faces.
  • His IQ will always above you Eon or Kalpa, or the help or the resources, or anything but any of your bad bad conduct, laughing arrogantly, hurting him, hurting everyone all around.
  • You cannot cut your tongue never open your mouth, Shut up.
  • NEVER liberal women any Earthly sense.
  • This is the Heaven standard, you don't understand that, or you pretend he never runs the 10 worlds business every part of it.

I want to kill all these birds !!! Call the American Congress, THEY ARE NOT HUMAN!

Babaji needs a prince married to princess story, its a shining gold throne, that is the Heaven looks. He is the throne. He has the gold archive library.

On the Earth plane, that is the Galatic library,

He likes the literacy and history. He might look like a double e. Someone call anyone but Eben Pagan I guess, that is for Tim Cook and for him.

So he is killing Shane. 


That galatic library probably also has some whom access His Gold Shining world Palace, that is the heaven. I have no idea what's wrong in it, those are too sacred, I don't go near all that. He fetch that data. 

He can find the data, that Galatic library, you talking about WHERE !!!!! Just never on Earth that simple !!!!! 

All these lawsuit I say. 

History, literacy, Neo

Sailor Moon.

He cares about it. 

The BIRDS care about it too.

The exotic bird is behind this I have no idea whom this is or is that 星宿

I think it might be a nun position later on. That wife whichever in this universe, she has to go to becoming a nun.

In the end of ....his patience, or it supposes to be Day 1 is a nun entering that exams process, not sure it is on Earth.

Similar to Hong Kong movie worlds starting at my parents day, I say that story from the Hell King, the red dress that girl. You remember that story was when SMCH becoming a nun. The actressm, we know her name, her name is 林青霞

In our movies its called 倩女幽魂 

except this is the Heaven glittering all gold looking (look like under the sea, move everything bright and shining and glory)

About Babaji: 

The human-celestial both the Heaven throne and the Earthly plane (all human world throne), he is.

He goes through this entire reviews process starting from beginning to the end. He is a man, he likes anything like that. In 10 different direction world of the women, the girls, past or decease included.

But like I say, its...like Tina that story with Annca.

It probably is like the nun story after the "Tiffany Breakfast" - England Queen 1921 on, all those things they are reviewing the last 100 years that department.

Its without me scenario. He is withering type, as long as you don't go and yelling at this "man.". He is a million years old man.

I personally don't think....its a marriage idea. Its a nun position like I say. But in the galactic sense, they might give you whichever paper says. You just wish you are not the women body I am telling you, and on TV monitor included.

No, its the same like how the Central did for you this BTX Dr. Bing Shen those 4 people's table.

Except I suffering in it.

Probably when they go to the central, I go with them too, its also the skill worker parts. But when these people die out, I have no more family on the central, that might be when I feel like to handle this jailing method of becoming a lawyer. 

Next page ....

Sorry, blog.